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InBoxRevenge KS Forum - Terms of use

By accessing “InBoxRevenge KS Forum” (hereinafter “we”, “us”, “our”, “InBoxRevenge KS Forum”, “”), you agree to be legally bound by the following terms. If you do not agree to be legally bound by all of the following terms then please do not access and/or use “InBoxRevenge KS Forum”. We may change these at any time and we’ll do our utmost in informing you, though it would be prudent to review this regularly yourself as your continued usage of “InBoxRevenge KS Forum” after changes mean you agree to be legally bound by these terms as they are updated and/or amended.

Our forums are powered by phpBB (hereinafter “they”, “them”, “their”, “phpBB software”, “”, “phpBB Group”, “phpBB Teams”) which is a bulletin board solution released under the “General Public License” (hereinafter “GPL”) and can be downloaded from The phpBB software only facilitates internet based discussions, the phpBB Group are not responsible for what we allow and/or disallow as permissible content and/or conduct. For further information about phpBB, please see:

You agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-orientated or any other material that may violate any laws be it of your country, the country where “InBoxRevenge KS Forum” is hosted or International Law. Doing so may lead to you being immediately and permanently banned, with notification of your Internet Service Provider if deemed required by us. The IP address of all posts are recorded to aid in enforcing these conditions. You agree that “InBoxRevenge KS Forum” have the right to remove, edit, move or close any topic at any time should we see fit. As a user you agree to any information you have entered to being stored in a database. While this information will not be disclosed to any third party without your consent, neither “InBoxRevenge KS Forum” nor phpBB shall be held responsible for any hacking attempt that may lead to the data being compromised.


You agree that you shall not attempt any automated registration against this forum, especially for the purposes of further automated postings of promotional or illegal content. This is an activity broadly known as “forum spamming” and is expressly forbidden by the operators of this forum. This activity is known to be a violation of several computer trespassing laws, and can be charged under CAN-SPAM since it is an automated method of promotion of illicit or otherwise unwanted products and / or services. For the purposes of this agreement, “InBoxRevenge KS Forum” and its operators consider forum spamming to be no different than spamming via any other means, including Email, automated messenger spamming, guestbook spamming or any other form of spamming which exists or will be created in the future.

We define an "automated registration" ("Attack") as any registration which attempts the same username and password combination several times (often followed by an automated attempt to "confirm" the registration) in a very short succession which is further supported by server logs which indicate that the same IP address only loaded the raw PHP pages related to registration, without any of the supporting assets (images, stylesheets, JavaScript or other libraries, etc.) to present the registration pages in full.

Should the operators of this forum discover that any user, or the automated processes of any user, have engaged in this activity, we shall at our own discretion provide evidence of this activity to the ISP who provided the IP address or addresses which were engaged in this automated activity. We shall also provide similar evidence to the hosting provider of any domain being promoted via this infringing activity, as well as any IP addresses or domains specificially related to any affiliate program which allows its members to promote any product or service via “forum spamming”.

Any successful automated attempt shall be considered a violaion of these terms of service, and any account found to have been created via these automated means will automatically and immediately be disabled and banned, and the IP addresses related to the registration will be reported to the automated registrant's ISP.

“InBoxRevenge KS Forum” considers these types of automated registrations to be construed as a direct attack, since it is performed automatically, and makes clear that the user who is automatically attempting registration is clearly planning to violate these terms of service. As such, “InBoxRevenge KS Forum” will report this activity to all appropriate law enforcement entities, including but not limited to the FBI's IC3 division, the RCMP's computer crimes division and Interpol.

Since this automated registration activity can legally be considered in violation of several computer trespassing laws in many countries around the world, we shall at our own discretion make available to the aforementioned law enforcement entities logs of the automated attempts to register and / or post content to our forum. These may include raw server logs or our own automated capture logs including the timestamp of the automated registration, the email address(es) and username(s) used at the time of the automated registration, and any IP addresses logged during the attempt.

Since “InBoxRevenge KS Forum” is aware that many entities and operations do engage in this activity specifically against this forum, and that we have in fact captured numerous instances of this activity spanning several years now, violation of these terms of services - and specifically this sub-section regarding automated registrations - shall be seen as acknowledgement that the perpetrator of this automated registration has in fact engaged in an unauthorized attack against this forum, and grants “InBoxRevenge KS Forum” the right to publicize all identifying details of the attacker, and that we may press legal charges against the perpetrator of any automated registration at a future date. Automated registration or any attempt thereof shall still be interpreted as acceptance of this agreement whether the operator of the automated software performing the registration read or understood this agreement, since they reasonably should have read or understood them had they actually been registering without the use of automated means.

Multiple automated registrations will cause an immediate ban of either the distinct IP address used in the attack, or any range of IP addresses used in the attack.

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