Just a reminder ...
The respected advance-fee-fraud-fighting site aa419.org is under DDoS. The attacker(s) have threatened to DDoS other sites unless the anti-fraud site autosec4u.forumieren.com capitulates to their demands.
Do they think that would cause members of those other sites to put pressure on autosec4u.forumieren.com? Well, if a group of fraud fighters ticks off criminals enough to get them to acknowledge their efforts with retaliation, the members at IBR are cheering them on.
IBR has had its share of DDoS's, and when it happens, we deal with it. We don't sit on our hands when the site is off line. There are a number of other sites that have either been set up by us or are places we often go to make announcements when this site is off line. They can't shut them all down, and they can't stop us from reporting spam independently.
Bookmark them:
http://ikillspammers.blogspot.com/http://spamitmustfall.blogspot.com/http://inboxrevenge.blogspot.com/http://inboxrevenge.webs.com/ (unused)
http://twitter.com/inboxrevengehttp://inboxrevenge.wordpress.com/http://spamtrackers.org/http://www.tebweb.com/cgi-bin/spm_forum/blah.plhttp://spywarehammer.com/simplemachinesforum/index.phphttp://www.cybercrimeops.com/ =