> 386-2437714
Indian Railway ticket number?
Hopefully, I'm on topic.
I've been working on this off and on for awhile now
It's... overwhelming. Follow the money

I've been getting many 'secure-*.com' domains which root back up to: stimul-media.com
aka: RX-Partners
who IMO, are aka: RXprofits.com though I'm not entirely sure.
But I am sure that RX-Partners is aka:
"DFG DutyFree Power Group Ltd"
dfpowergroup.com - Duty free alcohol, tobacco, cosmetics, perfumes
affiliate sign-up site: directnetpartners.com
example phone numbers (for "duty free"):
Some sites, like this alcohol template: alcohol-sell.com
advertises in the Flash banner the domain: test-mall.com
see: shop.test-mall.com
payment processor: secure-paypage.com
which references a support email link pointing to: salezhelp.com
http://bgp.he.net/dns/salezhelp.com#_whoisreferences: stimul-media.com
payment processor: secure-checkout-page.com
customer support: order-cs.com
I'm concentrating on the non-pharma domains ATM
Will post a new thread on WOT when I get more screen captures and possibly more domains to add to my list (current count: 119)