Red Dwarf wrote:
Another month has passed.
Are there any updates on this?
Well: I have an update, but I'm unsure what the next steps are to set this into wider use.
Red Dwarf wrote:
I would like to get back into reporting scams, but Yahoo is a problem for me, now that they have put a captcha on my favorite reporting page

And this is the thing: the "experiment" so far is definitely generating results. But they're kind of all over the place.
That form, effectively, is useless. IF someone does something with it at all on the Yahoo side, they do so extremely slowly, and inefficiently, and it does nothing to reduce the problem.
Since I've been single-handedly reporting the scam accounts for (so far) 9 individual people, I've seen some real action taken against the accounts, in record time, with interesting secondary actions.
Per day, I was personally receiving 116 at the max of the amounts I was reporting. That's just my accounts.
When my Yahoo contact decided to take me up on the reporting, he shut them all down within a few minutes of receiving my reports. The first four or five days we were doing that, you could really see it was having a devastating effect on my repeat scammers. They all switched to solely-non-Yahoo accounts, and in one case it looks like a couple of them even took a break from the scam initiations.
But now that we've been doing this over several weeks, I'm beginning to see that it's not really any kind of big improvement, since they always come back, and now they always have multiple Yahoo accounts.
The scammers who have retaliated against me have all boasted that they have "thousands" of these accounts at their disposal, and I believe that, but it still has to have *some* impact when even one account is shut down, especially at the outset of trying to snare a new victim.
Red, if you want to report your Yahoo accounts (or really if any of you do) - just send them to me in "one file at a time" postings that contain all of the offending messages. The format I'm using for one of these files is as follows:
[email protected] | [originating ip, if it's identifiable] | What type of scam
[email protected] | [originating ip, if it's identifiable] | What type of scam
message 1
message 2
So for example here's one set from this morning.
[email protected] | | Fake Lottery Scam
[email protected] | ( | Fake Western Union Scam
[email protected] | - | Typical Nigerian Scam
[email protected] | | Typical Nigerian Scam
[email protected] | (Yahoo) | Fake CBN Scam
[email protected] | ( - AGAIN!) | Fake UBA Scam
[email protected] &
[email protected] | - | Fake Western Union Scam
[email protected] | - | Fake Barrister / Lawyer Scam
[email protected] | (, Accra, Ghana) | Fake Cancer Scam
[email protected] &
[email protected] | | Fake Carmen Lapointe / UN Scam
[email protected] | | Fake FBI Scam
[email protected] | | Fake Sanusi Lamido / CBN Scam
[email protected] | (Botnet) | Fake Lottery Scam
[email protected] &
[email protected] &
[email protected] | (, AGAIN!) | Fake Western Union Scam
[email protected] &
[email protected] | - | Fake Western Union Scam
[email protected] | - | Typical Nigerian Scam
[email protected] | - | Typical Nigerian Scam
[email protected] | - | Typical Nigerian Scam
[email protected] | | Fake Loan Scam
[email protected] &
[email protected] | - | Typical Nigerian Scam
[email protected] | - | Fake World Bank Scam
[email protected] | | Fake Western Union Scam
[email protected] &
[email protected] | | Fake "World Bank" Scam
[email protected] | | Fake Business Proposal Scam
[email protected] | (, Lagos, Nigeria) | Fake IMF Scam
[email protected] &
[email protected] | | Fake Carmen Lapointe UN Scam
[email protected] | ( | Fake ATM Card Scam
Your email address attached to the ticket number: 54-20-17-52-34-30 that draw the lucky
winning number,which consequently won the Daily new year Jackpot in the
first category,in four parts.You have been.....<snip>
Also: do not redact anything. We're sending these to Yahoo's legal team as well as a set of abuse people who are dealing specifically with criminal abuse. We have to treat it as evidence in a court of law. No alterations at all.
Note also: I report multiple offending accounts on the same row for some messages. This was how the contact wanted to receive them. To my knowledge, he is the only one processing these reports.
Red Dwarf wrote:
Just one email address that works would be great.
He really wants to keep it just to me for now, unfortunately. It's been difficult getting answers from him as to what further processes could be put in place. An obvious one that I assume
should be possible is to hunt for every account that references the term "Western union" in some way in the username. Or "Robert S. Mueller". These represent a huge amount of the accounts I report every day. Imagine the impact of shutting down 2000 of these in one single day. I understand that Yahoo needs to protect itself legally in the event a non-criminal person has created a "Western Union" account for some purpose, but... come on. How many of those accounts would really be legitimate?
So yes. If you want to, let me know. I am okay being the conduit while he wants to hear from a single source.