tacoma43 wrote:
In what corner of the universe is the term "pilules" (600,000 Google hits supposedly using an English language filter) more commonly used and understood than pills (40,900,000 hits, same filter)?
The corner that requires spam messages to be delivered to the inbox instead of the spam folder, of course. It's a pretty scuzzy corner, as you might imagine, full of narcissistic idiots who have no legitimate skills to speak of.

tacoma43 wrote:
But then, understandable spam content has never been a top priority before.
Spammers have a ridiculously skewed world view:
If you can "hit inbox" (meaning avoid being flagged and migrated by spam filters) someone is bound to click on the link in your spam message, no matter what the content actually is.
If they clicked on the link in your spam message, they are likely to order whatever it is you spammed them to buy in the first place.
That content in your spam message has to be massaged within an inch of its life in order to "hit inbox", or you won't achieve any conversion.
They virtually throw the baby out with the bathwater. They care so little about legibility or meaning because they need to bypass filters.
And yet: the spam continues to be sent, every single day. This indicates that unfortunately they're still right. They must be seeing diminished results though.