This is good info for most general users, and because of the date, I wanted to take time to post this here, though this is not for most of the active participants of this forum.
As usual spam volume picks up on 4/1/10 - some on Twitter are playing around with this

Best info I could find right now was this:
First Week of April Brings Increase of Spyware and MalwareQuote:
1. Don’t open emails, files or attachments from people you don’t know.
2. Be extra cautious opening emails, files or attachments from people you do know.
3. Don’t be fooled by “scareware” tactics. Know what software you are using, and familiarize yourself with how it delivers warnings and alerts.
4. If you’re considering giving your social networking activities a break, now might be a good time. No one will miss you if you take a week off.
5. Stay away from websites that you haven’t visited before. Think before you click!
6. Run multiple layers of security software. There are many free and effective solutions that will co-exist well with each other.